K-MOTION, formally K-VEST, offers two unique programs that are designed to keep you up-and-running for years to come. First, the Software Maintenance Program is designed to keep you current with the latest version software. Second, the Hardware Maintenance Program is designed to protect you in the event your system’s hardware should become damaged or stops working.
Software Maintenance Program
The Software Maintenance Program gives users unlimited access to receive all software upgrades for a small subscription fee, which can be paid annually or monthly. Additionally, the Software Maintenance Program extends ongoing technical support beyond the standard 3-months without any added fees.
Hardware Maintenance Program
K-MOTION offers from the date of purchase a 3-month limited warranty on all hardware to be free from defects in material and workmanship. The Hardware Maintenance Program offers ongoing coverage for damage to K-SENSORS or K-RECEIVERS. Under the terms of the Hardware Maintenance Program, a K-SENSOR or K-RECEVER that becomes damaged or fails to operate correctly will be replaced by K-MOTION for a $50.00 service charge. Claims are limited to two replacements per year.
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