K-PLAYER – Enlighten and Prosper

An Introduction to K-PLAYER by Steve Pelletier

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”  – Ben Franklin

Make more money as a golf coachI recently came across this Ben Franklin quote and it made me smile. One of the great things about my job as the Director of U.S. Business Development for K-MOTION Interactive is hearing how K-VEST makes a positive impact on lives. The story of the amputee who learned to stand in an artificial limb and walk again is among my favorites. Almost unbeatable, told by his grateful wife.

The story of the 12-year-old girl who dropped seven strokes from her best score in a month of K-VEST lessons. Not so dramatic or life changing, maybe, but the happiness in the tellers’ voice, the father, was as real. And that’s what I enjoy hearing, how K-VEST makes lives better.

Across the board, I am told stories of coaches deepening their knowledge of the golf swing thanks to our certification programs and through the use of our products. Many say that they feel they didn’t really understand the golf swing or know how to communicate it before they started working with K-VEST.

They tell stories of enlightenment, players who never understood how the pelvis worked or couldn’t feel what it was to load power into the backswing. Stories of excitement—when a concept finally manifests for the player. Stories of fulfillment—to teach those things and see them work, and watch the golf balls fly farther or straighter, or usually both. And then many more happy smiles from the transformed students.

Among my favorite stories are the ones from clients who speak about how K-VEST has helped them make their businesses more successful. How K-VEST has helped relieve some of the financial pressure. How the investment was worthwhile and delivered increased revenue. The reports of full lesson books because better outcomes propelled lesson volume and student retention.

Then there are the calls where I am asked for advice:

“My lesson book is getting really full now… do you think I can raise my rates?”

When clients do, and it works, and they call to say thank you, that is just remarkable. Remarkable because there are happy students out there paying happy coaches supporting happy families. And we have been a part of it. Because K-VEST has always been a technology that delivered more money to the coaches who invested in the knowledge that comes with becoming a K-VEST-supported coach. Yes, I really appreciate the fact that we help people make more money.

Helping coaches make more money

Today I am thrilled as I think about our latest advance.

We are about to remove the limiting factor of time on the earning potential of golf coaches everywhere.

helping coaches make more moneyHow? Through K-PLAYER, a new training companion to K-VEST. A coach can now take a custom-built training program and send it to a K-PLAYER for a student to work under light supervision or alone. A new paradigm is created. A player practicing perfectly what the coach wanted. And doing it in a training session for which the coach need not be present but still gets paid.

That prospect really makes me smile. Because we are taking coaches away from being paid for their time and toward being paid for their knowledge, knowledge we have partnered with them to build, delivered in a new solution that we built especially for them.

And we are giving their students a chance to turn all practice into perfect practice, leading to improved learning and better results. So, coaches, today I want to introduce a new friend of mine who, I think, will also become a great friend of yours.

Coaches, meet K-PLAYER.

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